Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fujisaki Sakura: Valedictorian Speech

Everyone, we're sorry for causing a commotion during this last day of us being here but we have a reason, we went to protect something important to us.

Anyway, Congratulations to all of us for graduating!

Firstly, I want to thank the chairman because you always give us second chances, that led us to realize that we can start over anytime we want and lead to the right path, thank you very much. Head teacher, even though you are strict and always says that we are bunch of hopeless kids and are trash you still gave us the guidance that we need to prevent us from being rebels, you also has a soft spot even though you don't allow us to see that, thank you very much head teacher. To all the teachers, thank you, even though it is just recently that you started accepting us still thank you, before you always say something bad about us behind our backs but we know that you cannot accept us because of our looks and attitudes but then when she came, 3D started to change, Yankumi thank you, if you didn't became our teacher maybe half of the class or more are already expelled and cannot attend this graduation right now.

Maybe Ren was already expelled because of false accusation, Ichi was already expelled for punching an Aoshiba student with a reason, Kura will always be a coward and will not protect his someone, Hongo will still be fooling around while his dad is on a bad case, Kamiya will always misunderstand the meaning of strength, Yamato was already out of this school for being involved in something he didn't do, maybe Hamaguchi, Matsukata, Murayama, Yoshida and Yamamato was still involved with a dangerous group, they all change... we all change because of you being here, not judging us by the way we are outside, not putting ranks on us and accepting us as what we are not by our outside looks, academics and our attitude, thank you Yankumi.

And thank you to this school, Akadou, because in this very school we found our long life friends and we found out the different characters of our classmates. You wouldn't know just by looking that someone from 3D will do anything just to make his sister happy, will do anything just to cover up for his friend's mistake, will do something rash just to protect his beloved person, will do anything to protect his honor and pride, will do anything just to repay his father and someone who will do anything just to not make his friends worried about him, those are the hidden characters of class 3D, they might be common for other people but for us that is rare, because by that we realized that even if people around us might not understand us but there are friends who can understand you.

At first, not a single student in 3D believe a teacher or an adult, they always got into fights without reason, we might be happy that time because we can do anything we want but if you take a close look at us before, you will see that no one is happy, the pictures of 3D in their freshman years are very gloomy, but when Yankumi came in our life, we changed, we even joined events that we just ignored before, Akadou Sport Festival, Akadou Festival, Senior Trip and many more that is because we want to make some memories of us having fun during our High School days and being a student here in Akadou.

3D might be the most useless class here in Akadou but still we are very thankful becauuse here in this school we found friends who will be always there for you even if we graduate and a teacher that will stake her own life just for the sake of her precious students. Arigatou Gozaimasu!

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