So first, we see a boy in bed. Okay, how many people actually thought it was the wrong video? I didn't actually think that, but I was wondering, WHAT does this GOT to do with KAT TUN's PV???
A box appears in front of the boy and he is... amazed by it (?) and reaches out to touch it... and then WHOOSH, KAT TUN Change Ur World appears (So it's the right video after all)
Music starts, I bounce in my seat :) The boy appears again, standing in front of a door.OPEN IT! OPEN IT!!! I yell. Who is this boy anyway? Doesn't look like a Japanese. I wonder why they chose him for this PV...
FINALLY past the boy, we see KAT TUN!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! They are hanging around in this dark room with a tiny window of light filtering through. It's Kame's part first, and we see the boys dancing (Yay!)
Maru's part is next. He goes "Too high..." and I think of Going's "Takaku~!" (high) which, coincidentally, is also sung by Nakamaru. Haha. Ueda's part, then Taguchi's. Im starting to feel intriuged...
At the chorus, the boys are still in that dark eeire room... Later Kame looks back, then walks out to the open with TTUN. There is a city night scenery ( I wonder why too :D)
And the second verse starts, with KAT TUN now dancing on that rooftop. (Nakamaru on that barrel thing is scary according to my sister, and is probably why he lost his balance and... fell)
By the way, Ueda's and Kame's face seem shiny. I thought they were sweating at first, but then it could be tears... or maybe just glitter :) so at the chorus again I confirm that Ueda is really shiny with sweat or water.
A quick flash to the boy and he finds himself holding a spiky object. Okay THAT was random... Next is Koki's rap. When I heard the background music, I immediately thought of an Indian song. And the "Fly high soldiers WOW We're soldiers WOW" part is so funny / cute :)
Then the Indian-like instrumentals continue while the boys dance :) I can't help but keep staring at Kame :S Especially the part where abit of the scarf slides down at 3:51... Meanwhile at the background, stuff like rocks fall all around them.
SUDDENLY, the music changes, and so does the scene. It becomes gentler and we hear the soft side of KaTTUN's voices... Ueda's lustly vocals (while KaTTN are... shielding themselves??) The boys look tired out from all the dancing previously, so they stand around in this black room with light shining from above.
The drums start again, and Kame shouts... again. The room becomes BLINDINGLY WHITE... ouch.
Next we see how Taguchi bursts from his sphere of ice and he's like "I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" KaTTUN dance on a floating platform with stuff (rocks) floating.... upwards??
Ueda escapes from the fire too :) (has he rescued that lost puppy?) Kame bashes through the wall... (And found the guy he wanted to kill??)
Koki breaks from his chain too (which look like snakes, according to my sister) Nakamaru falls off the building peacefully... (My sister, still not believing me, yells "Is there a safety net to catch NAKAMARUUU???" ) vs
KaTTUN's dancing become more energetic and lively, like in Going, probably because they have successfully overcome their challenges!!! Hooray!! I've always wondered HOW they an dance so fast and well wearing so many layers of costumes. I'd probably just trip over the dangling cloths :PSPIN!!
Back to the boy again... It is daytime. He looks down at his hands, nods and leaves the room.
There are many ways to interpret this:
1. KaTTUN wants the boy to try and change his world
2. KaTTUN was in the little box (Err... this was from my sister)
3. KaTTUN wants to change their worlds with help from the boy
4. The box was a music box playing "Change Ur World" and the boy thought he lost it in the morning and wants to find it back. (LOL)
5. The box contains the secret to changing the boy's world.
6. The boy was having a dream where he met KaTTUN.
Okay they aren't very accurate but those are the conclusions I can draw from this PV. Any other ideas?? Haha
Thats all for the report, then :) It was fun writing this and trying to interpret WHAT KaTTUN is doing. It's my first time doing this, so yeah I know. Ah, anyway, Dec 29 is the release of the concert DVD right?? OMG I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Jumps around in glee*
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