Sunday, November 6, 2011

1. What type of girls do you like?
2. How would you approach the girl that you like?
3. How will you confess?
4. Where do you want to go on your first date?
5. If you were to give the girl you like (girlfriend) a present, what would you give her?
6. What is something a girl does that would make you fall for her?
7. What would you do for the girl you like (girlfriend)?
8. What is your ideal style of romance?
9. How many times would you try again with someone who has dumped you before?
10. What would you do if you find your girlfriend looking through your cell phone?
11. What is your way of making up if you had a fight with your girlfriend?
12. What are the requirements for the ideal person that you want to get married with?
13. Among the members, who do you think would get married first?
14. You appear in a love drama. What kind of love scenes do you want to try acting out?
15. You appear in a love drama. Among the members, who will be your love rival?

1. A girl that’s fun to be with, someone I could have chemistry with.
2. I’d mail her “I want to see you”, I’ll probably miss her even more.
3. On our way home from a date, I’d confess in front of her house. I’d rather tell her how I feel directly.
4. I want to go to an Outlet Mall.
5. I’d cook a meal for her. I’d ask her what she wants, and then I’ll start cooking the food she likes. It’s a challenge!
6. Like Omurice or Hamburger, if she cooks reaaaaaaaaaaaaally well, I’d fall for her.
7. I’ll help her study.
8. I want us to be together, every day. Not immediately. But well, when one is in love, I think one would do things selfishly. Oh well, it’s complicated!
9. Once. I’d try to find ways to improve from the first failure, but if I fail again, then that’s it!
10. I’d look at my phone with her.
11. I’ll shut up and embrace her! Words aren’t needed.
12. Her cooking should fit my taste! Like a curry that would make me go “Oh this is SO GOOD!”
13. Hikaru. He seems like someone who would bless the people around him.
14. A forbidden love between a student and a teacher.
15. I’m not really the kind to scramble for a girl, but if Dai-chan is my rival then it would be fun!


1. A girl with many interests. A girl who would get me into a new genre.
2. I’d make calling and mailing a habit, and through that, reminisce about the obvious things.
3. I think it has to be said directly.
4. Movie! I want to watch comedy!
5. If I see something from her, like if it’s a wallet or anything that’s overused, I’d buy her something new.
6. Someone good at shoulder massage. If you were massaged, you’d feel happy right?
7. I’d be a fun tsundere (laughs)
8. Since we’d be working, I’d want to have the kind of relationship where we’d be a work motivation for each other, and press each other’s backs.
9. Impossible! I don’t think I’ll be able to grow up!
10. I’d tell her “I won’t get angry, so just say everything you have to say! (laughs)
11. I’d give her some space, and then if we really are important to each other, it doesn’t matter from whom, someone from the both of us would finally initiate the contact.
12. I want a girl who makes time for conversations at night before we sleep, or someone who would make our pace. Also, I’m not really particular about cooking, so anything’s fine.
13. Keito. He seems like he’d be a great father.
14. An escape story like the 100 Nights or Akunin.
15. Hikaru. We’re complete opposites in terms of personality and character. Well, I don’t mind if I lose. (laughs)

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